Photographer Brandon Stanton spoke to Penn State students last night about his popular blog titled “Humans of New York.” The photo project consists of thousands of portraits of New Yorkers and short quotes or stories detailing their personal journeys. WPSU’s Erin Cassidy Hendrick reports.
Last night at the Eisenhower Auditorium, Brandon Stanton described the evolution of his photography project, “Humans of New York.” By stopping people on the street and asking to take their photo, he began to curate both unique and universal examples of humanity.
Stanton recently returned from a UN World Tour, where he continued his work in New York, with people from all over the world.
In a press conference before the event, Stanton explained why his work was different than other media sources.

He said, “There was a giant hole in the market for just normal people and their normal lives. Because all photographers and journalists are always looking for the most extreme and sensational story. If there’s one thing I try to do with Humans of New York is just try to show normalcy.”
Stanton has published a book of his photos also named “Humans of New York” that has become a New York Times bestseller. His next book, “Little Humans,” will feature photographs of children he has encountered in his exploration. That book will be released on October 7th. I’m Erin Cassidy Hendrick for WPSU.