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State College Regional Airport announces more flights to Philadelphia, Chicago and Washington Dulles

A sign of the State College Regional Airport.
Sydney Roach
The State College Regional Airport, previously known as the "University Park Regional Airport," is announcing more frequent flights to Chicago, Philadelphia and Washington Dulles International.

The State College Regional Airport is adding more flights and bigger planes to its fall schedule. Airport representatives say increased service will help meet high traffic demand to and from Penn State.

American Airlines added a fourth flight to Philadelphia on Aug. 6, and will add a fifth one in October.

Starting this week, United Airlines is offering three daily flights to Washington Dulles International.

Next month, United will add a fourth flight a day going to Chicago.

“Around Sept. 21st, the Chicago flights will move from a 50 seat aircraft to a 76 seat aircraft, an Embraer 175, which also provides first class service," said James Meyer, the executive director of the Centre County Airport Authority. He spoke at Tuesday's Centre County Commissioners meeting.

Jason McMurtrie, the authority’s terminal manager, said these added flights and bigger planes coincide with Penn State’s move-in week. He said there are many international students, who often carry a lot of luggage.

“A lot of the regional aircrafts have restrictions with, you can take 50 people. There’s 50 seats, but you can’t take all the bags. So there’s days of trying to get bags," McMurtrie said.

McMurtrie said larger airplanes can handle more people and all their bags.

Meyer said they’re still working to get flights to Charlotte, North Carolina. He also hopes Delta Air Lines will return to the airport sometime next year. They left last year, citing pilot shortages.

Correction: We named an airline for the flights to Charlotte, North Carolina, but Meyer did not say what airline that would be.

Sydney Roach is a reporter and host for WPSU with a passion for radio and community stories.