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DuBois City Council approves process to fire former city manager John 'Herm' Suplizio

FILE - The Pennsylvania attorney general announced March 20, 2023, that Herm Suplizio, the city manager of DuBois, had been arrested on charges of theft and fraud. He is accused of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from public accounts.
City of DuBois
The Pennsylvania attorney general announced March 20, 2023, that Herm Suplizio, the city manager of DuBois, had been arrested on charges of theft and fraud. He is accused of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from public accounts.

The DuBois City Council has approved a process to fire former city manager John “Herm” Suplizio, who is accused of stealing more than $600,000 in city funds.

In a 3-2 decision on Tuesday, council members approved a motion to authorize the interim solicitor to help City Council with the immediate termination of Suplizio's employment.

Community members in attendance applauded after the vote. Those voting in favor of the termination included council members Elliot Gelfand and Jennifer Jackson, and new mayor Pat Reasinger - all of whom won through a write-in campaign.

Earlier in the meeting, council members introduced a motion to accept the resignation of Solicitor Toni Cherry.

“I will happily accept that resignation,” said new council member Jennifer Jackson. The council did move to accept Cherry's resignation.

Cherry has publicly questioned the investigation into Suplizio and repeatedly said that no money is missing from the city’s accounts. In early May of 2023, she dropped off a bag containing nearly $94,000 in cash to DuBois City Hall. She gave few details at the time, but told officials the money belonged to the city.

According to SpotlightPA, it was later revealed that money had been stashed at the United Way. An investigation also found lockboxes in the charity’s ceiling tiles. In charges filed in October, state prosecutors alleged Suplizio gave Cherry the money and she kept it to “keep the [attorney general’s office] from confiscating it.”

DuBois City Council appointed Thomas Breth of Dillon, McCandless, King, Coulter & Graham, LLP of Butler as the interim solicitor. The city is looking for a permanent solicitor.

The Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General dropped charges against John “Herm” Suplizio in November, and handed the case to the federal courts. If sentenced, Suplizio could face up to 45 years in prison, a fine of $1,250,000, or both.

CORRECTION: This story previously reported the City of DuBois had fired Suplizio, when the city had actually authorized the interim solicitor to help City Council in the termination process.

Sydney Roach is a reporter and host for WPSU with a passion for radio and community stories.