HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — A woman newly elected to Pennsylvania's Senate is submitting more personal documents as the chamber's Republican majority decides whether to seat her.
Democrat Lindsey Williams' lawyer said he submitted tax documents, bank statements and credit card bills on Monday in response to another information request. Earlier this month, Williams submitted a 97-page package to Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati.
Republicans are debating whether to bar Williams from taking her seat over a constitutional requirement that senators be "citizens and inhabitants" of Pennsylvania for four years before they're elected.
Swearing-in day is New Year's Day.
Williams contends she had begun staying with Pittsburgh-area friends in 2014 and making plans to move to Pittsburgh in time to meet the constitutional requirement.
Williams, a Pennsylvania native, was moving from Maryland.
Pa. Senate GOP Seeks More Information To Decide Whether To Seat Democrat

AP Photo/Keith Srakocic
Associated Press