Naomi Starobin
Keystone Crossroads EditorNaomi was the editor for Keystone Crossroads. She came to the project from WSHU Public Radio in Connecticut, where she was News Director. Before that, she was a factchecker at Consumer Reports magazine. She has a master's degree from the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University. Naomi is a Philadelphia native.
In this special broadcast of Take Note on WPSU, you’ll hear excerpts from a new show from Keystone Crossroads. It's called “Grapple,” and it gives voice…
For a while now, Keystone Crossroads has been running a series called "Ideas Worth Stealing." It's a look at what we can learn from how people in cities…
Altoona area residents who came to the Keystone Crossroads/WPSU public forum described their hometown with these words:full of promisesadisolateda nice…