Ferguson Township could become one of the first municipalities in Centre County to follow a national trend of imposing a fee on single use plastic bags. At their May 20th meeting Ferguson Township Supervisors directed township manager David Pribulka to draft an ordinance for a plastic bags fee. Pribulka expects to present the ordinance to the board sometime in July. The board will then decide if the fee should be pursued, and how much plastic bags would cost. Pribulka added that the public will have a lot of say on the fee.
“I think a lot of it depends on what kind of public comments and feedback the board of supervisors receives,” Pribulka said.
According to Pribulka it could be quite sometime before the fee becomes a reality for citizens of Ferguson Township.
“It could be as early as fall of this year but depending on feedback that's received and any amendments that are worked into the ordinance prior to adoption it could take place sometime next year,” Pribulka said.
Stores in the area that would be affected include: the North Atherton Weis and Giant grocery stores, the East Asian Market, as well as retail stores and take-out restaurants.