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Uncensored America and Milo Yiannopoulos event face backlash from Penn State Community

 Yiannopoulos speaking to the crowd of supporters
Brendan Morgan
Milo Yiannopoulos spoke to a crowd of several hundred at Penn State. During the talk, he had a slide about how much he had received in speaker fees and student donations. Uncensored America used nearly $18,000 in student fees to bring Yiannopoulos to campus.

Controversial alt-right figure Milo Yiannopoulos spoke at Penn State last night at an event sponsored by the student organization Uncensored America. The event was condemned by the Penn State administration, numerous university organizations and the State College Borough Council.

Yiannopoulos spoke to a full auditorium about his beliefs on homosexuality. Yiannopoulos, who calls himself “ex-gay,” falsely claimed homosexuality is a mental illness and conversion therapy is a solution the mass media is trying to cover up.

“Homosexuals represent a threat to the basic building of civilization, which is the family," Yiannopoulos said. "And its men are encouraged, instead of having a wife and having kids and struggling with their urges privately and living as they should in shame,” Yiannopoulos said.

Before the event, a couple hundred students gathered outside the auditorium to protest Yiannopoulos’ presence on campus with signs and chants.

Penn State’s Jeffrey A. Conrad Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity organized a well-attended competing event called “Love is Louder” at the Hub-Robeson Center.

Brendan Morgan is a fall 2021 news intern for WPSU.