WPSU's This I Believe
Tell us the personal philosophy and core values that guide your daily life and hear stories from others.
This I Believe is based on the 1950s radio program of the same name and the media project (launched in 2005) from This I Believe, Inc. and Atlantic Public Media.
WPSU-FM is not currently accepting submissions for the program.
I believe in licking the slug.The time I licked a slug has become a story I tell over and over again to my friends. Even though we laugh about it, it’s…
I believe in nursery rhymes.Do you remember the saying, “Step on a crack, break your mother’s back?” You probably heard the rhyme in elementary school…
In my hand I hold a box of Clairol Root Touch-up in Black, chanced upon while cleaning my dresser drawers. I check the expiry date—it is still valid. And…
I believe in feeling nervous.I love every sensation. From the way my heart trembles deep in my chest, to the twisting dance my stomach does inside my…
I believe in being in the right place at the right time.Several years ago, my husband and I were traveling through Italy and stopped in Venice for a…
I believe in the telephone. In today's hyper connected world, personal communication is an incredibly easy task with the ubiquity of social media and…
I believe in abandoned buildings.The first thing you need to know about me is that I am a terrible driver. If I drive past something that I think is…
I believe in black clouds. My official job title while I was in the Marine Corps was “Crewmaster.” That means I was an enlisted aircrew member who took…
I believe in being true to yourself.I’ve spent my entire life as a younger sister. My older sister was the tall one, the academically gifted one, and the…
I believe immigrants make America great.My maternal grandparents were refugees from an area in Syria that later became Lebanon. In the early 1900s they…