COVID-19 Coverage
WPSU is following the effects of COVID-19 on our central Pennsylvania communities. Here are WPSU's most recent stories on the pandemic and links to useful information.
The majority of counties in Pennsylvania are no longer experiencing high levels of COVID-19 in the community, according to an update the Centers for Disease Control published Thursday.
If a teacher is sick or needs time off, the school just hires a substitute, right? But what do administrators do when there are almost no substitutes to call? WPSU reports on how one school district in northcentral Pennsylvania is keeping kids in class during the COVID pandemic.
After closing for 18 months because of COVID-19, the Reitz Theater in DuBois has reopened to the public with renovations done during the closure.
For schools, the COVID-19 pandemic has meant not only an increase in academic struggles for students, but more emotional and behavioral issues too. WPSU's Anne Danahy spoke with Jeanne Knouse, director of student services, and Seria Chatters, director of equity and inclusivity, in the State College Area School District, about how the district is responding.
Students and employers react to their experience at Penn State's in-person career day.
Andrew Read talked with us about the latest findings on the omicron variant and why it’s so difficult to predict how viruses evolve.