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Drum Fill Friday, From Warpaint's Stella Mozgawa

Drummer Stella Mozgawa, performing with Warpaint at South By Southwest earlier this year.
Jessica Alexander
Drummer Stella Mozgawa, performing with Warpaint at South By Southwest earlier this year.

This week's puzzler comes courtesy Stella Mozgawa, drummer for the L.A. rock group Warpaint. The band is currently on tour for its moody, self-titled album, released at the beginning of the year. Mozgawa's picks for this week's quiz range from '80s pop to experimental rock, R&B and electronic music. Good luck, careful listeners!

As always, if you have a drummer or a fill you'd like to see featured in these weekly puzzlers, let us know in the comments section or via Twitter @allsongs, #drumfillfriday.

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Robin Hilton is a producer and co-host of the popular NPR Music show All Songs Considered.