Construction is underway on PennDOT’s Potters Mills Gap project, which will extend the four-lane highway from the Centre and Mifflin counties border to west of Potters Mills.
“Right about where that yellow truck is dumping, that will be the bridge, and the roundabout will be just to the right of that where you see that pick-up truck," said construction manager Greg Sidorick on a tour of the project that will eventually mean smoother driving on Route 322 through Potters Mills.
“The traffic coming out of 144 won’t have to come right out onto 322. There will be ramps and interchange out that way to make it safer," Sidorick said.

The project also includes a four-legged roundabout that will connect the local roads to 322. It's slated to be completed in October 2020. This phase, the final one, has an $82 million price tag. It will bring the total project cost to about $94 million.
There will be a pause in daytime construction stops during busy periods, including the Arts Festival.