Josh Rogers
Josh has worked at NHPR since 2000 and serves as NHPRâââ
Thousands of state lawmakers are expected to return to their capitols in 2021 for a new legislative session. But the pandemic and political divisions are making that harder than ever.
Delaying session or meeting remotely aren't options that have necessarily appealed to Republican state lawmakers who, for the most part, aren't shy about gathering in large numbers in 2021.
New Hampshire Republicans elected Rep. Dick Hinch as speaker of the House after the GOP took control of the chamber in November. Hinch's death, now known to be of COVID-19, was announced Wednesday.
The New Hampshire primary isn't until February 2020 but for locals, the pace of campaigning is already frenetic as voters assess the huge field of Democratic candidates.
Rep. Robert Fisher has been linked to an online alias that posted comments such as "every woman wants to be attractive enough to be raped."
Until recently, Corey Lewandowski was an obscure political operative. Now, he's engineered wins in South Carolina and New Hampshire for Trump's once-implausible presidential campaigns.
If you're a Republican who wants to win New Hampshire, you're supposed to be nice to the Union Leader newspaper and the Sununu family. Unless you're Donald Trump.
After the last presidential debate, Jeb Bush headed straight for New Hampshire. The state is critical to his hopes of winning the GOP nomination, but voters are not convinced he's the man for the job.
Robie's General Store is one of New Hampshire's most famous political stops, attracting nearly every candidate on the presidential campaign trail. But don't try to actually buy milk and eggs here.
New Hampshire is the only state in New England not to have decriminalized small amounts of marijuana, but a proposal before state lawmakers there could change that.