Erin Cassidy Hendrick
Associate ProducerErin Cassidy Hendrick was an associate producer at WPSU. She produced the programs “BookMark” and “This I Believe” for the station.
She grew up in Yorktown Heights, New York, which is a small town located just north of New York City.
After graduating from Penn State with a degree in Media Studies, Erin completed an internship at WPSU-TV. She has a wide array of production experience, mostly with live video and print media.
During a campaign event, incumbent Republican Senator Pat Toomey spoke out against Pennsylvania’s sanctuary cities and President Obama’s Iran deal. The…
The State College borough council voted to reduce simple marijuana possession from a misdemeanor to a summary offense. State College police chief Tom King…
At a State College borough council meeting in May, Mill Creek resident Christy Billett made an emotional appeal to the board, telling them how getting…
Over 200 people attended a town hall meeting to discuss the growing epidemic of heroin and opioid drug addiction in Centre County. A group of panelists…
The approval for a controversial student housing complex in State College’s Ferguson Township has been reversed by a Centre County judge.The planned…
At Penn State’s Allen Street gates, about a dozen demonstrators held signs directed to the crowds taking in Arts Fest events. The signs had phrases like…
A key hearing took place in Bellefonte in the fight over a planned student housing complex named “The Cottages at State College.”Jordan Yeager, the lawyer…
If you’re looking for a book to read on the beach this summer, look no further than the newest release from Noah Hawley. He’s not just an author – he’s…
Over a hundred people gathered on Penn State University Park’s campus last night to memorialize the victims of the recent mass shooting. It was named…
The Nittany Valley Water Coalition held an event Friday at a private residence to support their lawsuit against the Ferguson Township Council and the real…