Daniel Wood
Daniel Wood is a visual journalist at NPR, where he brings data and analyses into complex topics by paired reporting with custom charts, maps and explainers. He focuses on data-rich topics like COVID-19 outcomes, climate change and politics. His interest in tracking a small outbreak of a novel coronavirus in January 2020 helped position NPR to be among the leading news organizations to provide daily updates on the growth and impact of COVID-19 around the country and globe.
Prior to joining NPR, Wood worked for several years at the Urban Institute, building data visualizations that highlighted and publicized their research. Before that, Wood worked in communications for the Department of Energy.
Wood is a native of Philadelphia and prefers his cheesesteak with fried onions and American or provolone, not wiz. Never green peppers or mushrooms. Ever. He holds a bachelor's degree from Boston University in environmental analysis and policy.
View NPR's graphics to see where COVID is hitting hardest in the U.S., which state outbreaks are under control and where cases are still spreading.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued warnings because of the outbreak. Our map highlights the areas of concern.
Social media networks banned hundreds of thousands of accounts last month. In NPR's assessment of the data, telling details begin to depict large disinformation campaigns.