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The Penn State Opera Theatre presents: Liederabend | Italienisches Liederbuch

The Penn State Opera Theatre presents: Liederabend | Italienisches Liederbuch

Penn State Opera Theatre is presenting a Liederabend – an ‘Evening of Song’ – in the Recital Hall of the School of Music on Tuesday September 19 at 7:30pm. The singers from Opera Theatre will present Book Two of the Italienisches Liederbuch by Hugo Wolf. These songs, short pastiches of love and loss, represent some of the best of the German lieder tradition of the 19th century.

The singers will be joined by pianist and coach Maeve Berry, an alum of our program in piano performance, who is an emerging international collaborative artist. We are delighted to welcome Maeve back to campus.

Recital Hall, Penn State School of Music.
07:30 PM - 09:00 PM on Tue, 19 Sep 2023

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Penn State School of Music
Recital Hall, Penn State School of Music.
Allen Rd, University Park, PA 16802
University Park, Pennsylvania 16802
(814) 865-0431