Nazi Spy Rings in America

Nazi Spy Rings in America
In commemoration of the 80th anniversary of World War II’s end, the Warren County Historical Society welcomes retired CIA analyst Michael Ganske to speak on Nazi Spy Rings in America. The program will be held in the Warren County Courthouse’s Jackson Courtroom, 204 Fourth Ave., Warren, PA, on Tuesday, March 11 at 6:30 PM.
Though one often thinks of World War II as something that happened “over there,” Germany operated spy rings on the home front, collecting information and organizing sabotage American war efforts. Mr. Ganske will discuss Nazi recruitment strategies and espionage methodologies.
A graduate of Iowa State University and veteran of the United States Army, Mr. Ganske entered the CIA in 1978 as a counterintelligence officer. After his retirement in 2000, he founded Silver Eagle Consulting LLC, which performs Federal background investigations, security evaluations, threat analysis, and security vetting.
This presentation is free and open to the public. Visitors must enter at the rear of the courthouse and go through security screening. For more information, please call (814) 723-1795, email, or visit the Warren County Historical Society Facebook page.
Sponsored by the Sokolski Family Foundation and the Community Foundation of Warren County.