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Exploring the Landscape

Exploring the Landscape

Artist Statement:

I am just beginning to explore the art of painting the landscape in watercolor. What a special way to notice all of the beautiful colors and unique and interesting shapes in the landscape...the pinks and purples in the evening sky, the unlimited shades of green in each plant and tree, the shape of that special group of trees or mountain range. Painting these elements in watercolor is indeed a journey where I am learning how I want to depict these elements and also how the medium of watercolor helps with this. I love the way the colors merge and often the surprise of how this happens on its own. My paintings have been described as soft or gentle and this seems to be my approach to watercolor painting.

I am a self-taught watercolor artist painting my interpretation of mostly landscapes. I love the softness and unexpected happenings of the watercolor medium. I enjoy visiting different locations and finding something new to paint. Whether it is in the West, in Florida or in our backyard, there is always a beautiful view to paint. The bonus is getting to spend time in the outdoors and trying to paint in the landscape. I hope my work brings a sense of the beauty and peacefulness of our great outdoors.

Bellefonte Art Museum of Centre County
Every week through Mar 30, 2025.
Sunday: 12:00 PM - 04:30 PM
Friday: 12:00 PM - 04:30 PM
Saturday: 12:00 PM - 04:30 PM

Event Supported By

Bellefonte Art Museum for Centre County

Artist Group Info

Janet Dunlap
Bellefonte Art Museum of Centre County
133 North Allegheny Street
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania 16823