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Central Park Conservancy tests recycling bin designed for pizza boxes


As a native New Yorker, I can testify to this - New Yorkers love their pizza.


JOHN TRAVOLTA: (As Tony Manero) Two, two - give me two. That's good.


MARTIN: That's the 1977 movie "Saturday Night Fever," and it opens with John Travolta - aka Tony Manero - ordering a couple slices in Brooklyn.


Now New York has a recycling bin just for pizza boxes, which are kind of big. Margaret Asaro is with the Central Park Conservancy.

MARGARET ASARO: Generally, people want to do the right thing, and we're giving them the ability to do that.

MARTIN: It can be tough to get a pizza box into a regular recycling bin.

ASARO: We were having an issue with overflowing trash cans and piles of pizza boxes on the side of our cans.

MARTIN: Asaro says the new bin - with a V-necked opening - makes it easy to slide in a pizza box.

ASARO: So we'll be monitoring how effective they are in the park. We've set them up in an area that we know is a very popular place for parties and ball games and gatherings, where we generally see a lot of pizza boxes.

INSKEEP: Now, in case you're wondering, yes, boxes with grease spots or congealed cheese can be recycled. We're told there's so far only one recycling bin in place - one for 8 million New Yorkers - but they are heading for more. The special bin costs about $1,500, but never mind the cost.

ASARO: And to us, it was a worthwhile investment, because it really eliminates a maintenance issue that we have.

MARTIN: The conservancy will decide whether to expand the program after Labor Day. Steve, I know you're fancy, but I take it you're not getting one of these boxes.

INSKEEP: I'm just hungry. I'm hungry - never mind the box.

(SOUNDBITE OF MUSIC) Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.

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