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Episode 671: An Insider Trader Tells All

Note: This episode contains explicit language.

In that photo up there, the man on the right is handing an envelope of cash to the man on the left, in exchange for secret information. It is a photo of insider trading as it happens. Today on the show: the man on the left explains everything — what he did, how he did it, and why. Though he's still struggling with that last one.

Also, when someone trades on insider information, they probably are going to make a lot of money. But who loses that money? We try to solve that brain teaser.

Music: "Skyward" and "Give Me Your Lovin'."

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Jacob Goldstein is an NPR correspondent and co-host of the Planet Money podcast. He is the author of the book Money: The True Story of a Made-Up Thing.
David Kestenbaum is a correspondent for NPR, covering science, energy issues and, most recently, the global economy for NPR's multimedia project Planet Money. David has been a science correspondent for NPR since 1999. He came to journalism the usual way — by getting a Ph.D. in physics first.