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In just a minute, we're going to ask our panelists to predict what will cause President Trump to turn on Anthony Scaramucci...


SAGAL: ...Once the honeymoon is over. But first, let me tell you that support for NPR comes from NPR stations and Lumber Liquidators, a proud sponsor of NPR offering more than 400 styles, including hardwood, bamboo, laminate and vinyl, with flooring specialists and hundreds of stores nationwide - more at or 1-800-HARDWOOD. Progressive Insurance - comparing car insurance rates from multiple insurers so shoppers can evaluate options in one place - now that's Progressive. Comparisons available at or 1-800-PROGRESSIVE. And the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, dedicated to the belief that all lives have equal value and working with partners to help envision a world where every person has the opportunity to live a healthy, productive life at

WAIT WAIT... DON'T TELL ME is a production of NPR and WBEZ Chicago in association with Urgent Haircut Products, Doug Berman is our benevolent overlord. Philipp Goedicke writes our limericks. Our house manager is Tyler Green. Our intern is Layne Gerbig. Our web guru is Beth Novey. This week, sadly we say goodbye to our CFO, Ann Nguyen. We don't want to, but she insisted. And the only idea we could come up with to keep her did not work 'cause there was no place in her cubicle to anchor the chain.


SAGAL: She showed up four years ago and somehow brought order, harmony, happiness and much, much better catering to our crew of helpless jokers. Whatever she does next and whomever she does it with, you people have no idea how lucky you are. Thank you, Ann, and come back whenever you like. And if you do, please bring food.


SAGAL: BJ Leiderman composed our theme. Our program is produced by Jennifer Mills and Miles Doornbos. Special thanks to Julia Weiss. Our public address announcer is Paul Friedman. Technical direction's from Lorna White. Our production coordinator is Robert Neuhaus. Our senior producer is Ian Chillag. The executive producer of WAIT WAIT... DON'T TELL ME is Mr. Michael Danforth.

Now panel, what will cause Donald Trump to turn on the Mooch? Mo Rocca.

MO ROCCA: Nothing. By the time we air, the Mooch will be attorney general.


SAGAL: Roxanne Roberts.

ROXANNE ROBERTS: Trump will fire Scaramucci after watching "All About Eve." And he realizes he's Margo Channing, and Mooch is Eve Harrington.


SAGAL: Adam Felber.

ADAM FELBER: The president is going to catch the Mooch in the Oval Office in front of a mirror trying on Trump's jacket - and his tie and his hair.


SAGAL: Well, if any of that happens, we're going to ask you about it on WAIT WAIT... DON'T TELL ME.

SAGAL: Thank you, Bill Kurtis. Thanks to Mo Rocca, Roxanne Roberts and Adam Felber. Thanks to our fabulous audience here at the Pritzker Pavilion in Millennium Park, Chicago.


SAGAL: Thanks to all of you for listening. I am Peter Sagal. And we will see you next week.


SAGAL: This is NPR. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.