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Grapple Episode 10: Breaking Down Gentrification with Jackelyn Hwang

Gentrification is a controversial issue playing out in cities across America. What happens when wealthier residents begin to move into a lower-income neighborhood? Who gets to stay, and who doesn’t? In episode 09 of Grapple, we heard about how the Pittsburgh neighborhood of Hazelwood is on the cusp of change. Residents there are hopeful about a major new development and the potential job opportunities; but they’re also concerned the development could push them out of their community. On this episode, Jackelyn Hwang joins us to discuss some of the latest trends and research around gentrification. 


Keystone Crossroads is a statewide public media initiative reporting on the challenges facing Pennsylvania's cities. WPSU is a participating station. 

Lindsay Lazarski is a photojournalist and multimedia producer for Keystone Crossroads, a statewide public media initiative focused on problems and solutions facing Pennsylvania's cities.