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Planned Parenthood Supporters Rally in State College

four students
Shannon Fox

On Tuesday, students and members of the State College community came together in support of Planned Parenthood after recent attempts by Congress to defund it.

Hosted by the Penn State College Democrats, a rally as a part of “National Pink Out Day” took place at the Allen Street Gate on West College Avenue. Luis Rolfo was one of the many who donned pink clothing in support of Planned Parenthood.

Rolfo is the communications chair for the Penn State College Democrats. He feels Planned Parenthood offers important services to woman.

“They offer a lot of screenings, women’s health," said Rolfo. "Abortions is a very little thing of what they want to do. Yet Republicans in Congress try to defund Planned Parenthood, and that’s just not right.”

Congress says they won’t pass a funding bill that includes Planned Parenthood. The organization has been under attack recently by anti-abortion groups that say it’s profiting from the sale of fetal tissue. Planned Parenthood says that’s not true, and the tissue was used for research.